Found this deck of cards in a charity shop for £1 on my breather walk this morning. I am going to make these 7 cards my next 7 days' goal. You can too. Taking a step back and finding a breathing space is paramount for your mental health. My favourite of the 7 cards chosen randomly is INNER CALM, GRATITUDE, CLEAN SLATE and BE WILD. These are very easy to do with no financial cost to you. Practising inner calm helps with your breathing and clears your mind of negative thoughts. Creating a gratitude practice helps you take stock of where you at and how far you have come. A clean slate practice helps you remove what no longer serves you, and being wild takes you out into the nature of fresh air and a clearer head. These are things anyone can do. Your mental health is very essential for every area of your life make it a priority, today. ❤️❤️
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™Rebecca Blamo's Mental Health Awareness and Well-being C.I.C
Registered in England and Wales, Non-Profit Company Number 15112819
This Blog Aims on Raising Awareness, Normalising Mental Health Issues and Removing Stigma
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